The Biden administration's border policies have allowed over 400,000 unaccompanied illegal immigrant minors to be placed throughout the country by the Department of Health and Human Services. However, most of these have been teenage males and the policies have been implicated in deadly incidents across the US.  

According to the report from the congressional committee, unaccompanied alien children (UACs) have been crossing the border in increasingly high numbers. Policy from the Biden administration has the Border Patrol refer UAC cases over to the Office of Refugee Resettlement within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).  

More than 400,000 UACs have been referred to a sponsor during the Biden administration alone by HHS, double that of Trump's whole four years in office. "Most of these UACs are teenage boys, not infants or small children," the report states. HHS data showed that 70 percent of those UACs placed by HHS were over the age of 15. Additionally, as the report states, "HHS data show that males accounted for 61 percent of UAC encounters in FY 2023, 64 percent in FY 2022, and 66 percent in FY 2021."  

However, other soft policies have allowed gang-affiliated and criminal UACs to commit heinous acts, including in the widely reported death of Kayla Hamilton. "As the Judiciary Committee and Immigration Subcommittee’s oversight has shown, HHS’s failures have also led to the release of UACs who have gone on to commit egregious crimes against Americans," the report stated.

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