Several victims of child trafficking have come forward to reveal that Planned Parenthood plays an integral role in the disposal process of unwanted babies – no questions asked.

In fact, Planned Parenthood appears to cater to child traffickers in that their victims can be brought there for abortions on demand with no probing by Planned Parenthood employees as to why or how these underage girls became pregnant in the first place.

One young child trafficking victim named Laura says that at the time when she was brought to Planned Parenthood for an abortion, she was so "young" that she needed "a waiver." And yet, still, the abortion provider did not even ask about her pregnancy, but instead simply proceeded to perform it.

"I went to hospitals, urgent care clinics, women's health clinics, and private doctors," Laura is quoted as saying.

"I was on birth control during the 10 years I was on the streets – mostly Depo-Provera shots which I got at Planned Parenthood and other neighborhood clinics. I got the morning-after pill from them."

Women's March by Samantha Sophia is licensed under
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