Georgia school shooter Colt Gray was discovered to have had a Discord account that contained posts suggesting he was planning a mass shooting due to his grievances over the lack of trans acceptance. Gray had also researched previous school shootings, like the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting carried out by Adam Lanza as well as the massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida in 2018. The posts on Discord, from 2023, referenced plans for a "future mass shooting," CNN reported. "I'm committing a mass shooting," a post read, "I'm committing a mass shooting and I'm waiting a good two to three years, and I'm ready." CNN reported that the poster then shared a picture of the gun he intended to use, before continuing to discuss the post. 

The reporter said that the post, attributed to Gray, was "expressing desires to target an elementary school, expressing frustrations with the treatment of transgender people." 
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