When it comes to explaining away the single largest ecological catastrophe in the history of America, the EPA and Ohio officials just can’t seem to get their stories straight. Every explanation they offer is a contradiction or cover-up. And they refuse to test for the one thing that poses the greatest health hazard of all: DIOXINS.

Dioxins are always created when chlorinated compounds are burned within a certain temperature range. They’re also the most deadly chemical compounds known to humankind, and they can be toxic at parts-per-quadrillion concentrations.

Put another way, it seems that they cause toxic effects on the human body at concentrations 100,000 times lower than where glyphosate begins to show toxicity. That’s just an estimate. The real number may be a million times or more.

Yet the EPA — and Ohio authorities — all refuse to test for dioxins. Or, at least, they refuse to release the test numbers publicly. No doubt they already have their own secret dioxin test results, and they are panicked over those numbers, trying to figure out how to sweep this whole problem under the rug without having to face the reality of an evacuation order that will likely soon be necessary.

East Palestine train derailment by thunderlips36 is licensed under
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