On June 4, 2024, Gun Owners of America (GOA) issued several statements following YouTube’s announcement of a formal change in their policies towards gun content.

“Restricting access to adults only—for content that depicts wholly legal and constitutionally-protected activity—is wrong, and it aims to push a sinister narrative to minors that firearms are evil,” stated Erich Pratt, GOA’s Senior Vice President. “In turn, as younger generations come of age, they will not question or push back on further violations of our Second Amendment rights.”

“Alvin Bragg and his anti-gun friends have been aggressively pressuring YouTube to censor and directly prohibit certain content related to guns for years now, and sadly they just succeeded and free speech has once again become the victim,” declaredAidan Johnston, GOA’s Director of Federal Affairs. “Congress must demand answers from YouTube on how influential DA Bragg and gun control groups were in facilitating this change in policy and determine whether the Biden Administration or its White House Office of Gun Control was weaponized to force the censorship of Second Amendment content.”

YouTube Dark Mode 3D icon concept. by Alexander Shatov is licensed under unsplash.com
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