• by:
  • 2023-02-20
  • Source: Just The News
  • 02/21/2023

The same IRS agent who last year pried into an election education nonprofit's policy positions and language choices previously worked under IRS scandal figure Lois Lerner during the Obama administration, warning a pro-life group then seeking tax-exempt status that it must not "force" its religion or beliefs on others.

IRS Exempt Organizations Specialist Sherry Wan sent questions to election education nonprofit Adams, Baldwin, and Covey Foundation, Inc., (ABC) last year about its views on elections, the resumes of its educators, and how it would prevent "inflammatory language" from creeping into its educational activities.

Questions ABC received from Wan included:

  • "Do you have any policy/policies or guidance in place to avoid unsupported opinions or conclusions and inflammatory language in the activities?"
  • "Explain how you ensure that the contents presented in your educational activities are fair and unbiased facts that would permit an individual to form an independent opinion or conclusions based the facts presented."
IRS Building, Washington, DC by David Boeke is licensed under David Boeke
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