That double standard is why people don't trust the media and why we're not talking about public policy 51 days out from [the] presidential election'

Republican Ohio Sen. and former President Donald Trump's 2024 running mate J.D. Vance questioned CNN's Dana Bash on Sunday, asking her point-blank if she realized she was engaging in "basic propaganda."

Following the first presidential debate between Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris on Tuesday, media focus on Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio surged due to concerns raised by Trump about local residents' pets allegedly being eaten. On CNN's "State of the Union," Vance criticized Bash and the media for focusing on "every possible distraction" instead of local residents, and accused Bash of implying that he caused a recent bomb threat in the town by speaking out on the issue.

"You've heard a lot of the media focusing on every possible distraction from the story in Springfield. You've heard them focus on these Proud Boys marches — just in this interview, Dana, the suggestion that because some psychopath is calling in a bomb threat, somehow we have to then ignore 40,000 Springfieldians who are having their lives worsened by Kamala Harris' policies?" Vance questioned.

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