Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., is introducing a war powers resolution that calls for the removal of United States armed forces from Somalia, excluding those assigned to protect the U.S. Embassy.

"The American people have extremely low confidence in our military leaders and their ability to assess their own efficacy. How do they expect Americans to believe their justification of occupying Somalia when they can’t even determine who in their own training programs will lead a violent coup afterwards?" Gaetz said in a statement.

"While the Congressional War Machine has decided to rage on in Syria, they must explain how continuing the occupation of Somalia best serves the interests of the American people at home. If they cannot, it is incumbent upon the Congress to bring our troops home from Somalia," the congressman said.

The war powers resolution would force a vote in the House of Representatives within 18 days of the resolution's introduction. It would also mandate the removal of U.S. armed forces from Somalia no later than 365 days after the resolution's adoption.

Source: Fox News
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