The international standoff between China and the United States has taken multiple forms, but new reporting has found the computer and information campaigns launched over social media may have caused a bill in the Texas Legislature to stir manufactured opposition.

Early in the 88th Legislative Session, Sen. Lois Kolkorst (R-Brenham) filed Senate Bill (SB) 147 in an effort to protect Texas land from ownership by citizens or agents of foreign governments hostile to the U.S.

The bill highlighted multiple countries, but China specifically appeared to cause increased outrage, not only from Democratic lawmakers but local Asian communities.

Soon after the foreign land ownership bill was filed, a group of Democratic lawmakers held a conference opposing the legislation, led by Rep. Gene Wu (D-Houston) and attended by Rep. Erin Zwiener (D-Driftwood), who took to social media to thank Wu for the conference. Rep. Jon Rosenthal (D-Cypress), who also voiced his concerns over the bill, stated that “we must all work together to fight bigotry, hate, and discrimination!”

Source: The Texan
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