• by:
  • 2023-02-06
  • Source: Just The News
  • 02/07/2023

recently leaked memo from Gen. Mike Minihan, the head of the U.S. Air Mobility Command (AMC), suggested that, within the next two years, the U.S. would be at war with China over Taiwan.  

"I hope I am wrong," wrote the four-star general, before adding that his gut feeling is that "we will fight in 2025." The leaked memo comes at a time when, according to a recent article in The Economist, tensions between the U.S. and China are at an all-time high — a conclusion amply reinforced by recent headlines about the test of wills between the two nations over a Chinese spy balloon the Pentagon believes was overflying sensitive U.S. military sites. 

The wars of tomorrow will be won by the nations with the best technology, including, especially, the best artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities. China is fast-becoming the global leader in AI, thus creating arguably the greatest cybersecurity threat facing the United States today, as a 2021 article in the Harvard Business Review noted

The U.S. "must maintain vigilance and win the battle being fought in global cyberspace — it is the battlefield of the future," former FBI crisis manager and security risk expert Jim DiOrio told Just the News. In many ways, he added, "quantum computing and AI should be viewed as the new space race." 

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