(Express) George Simpson Fri Nov 1 2019 14:33 Ridley Scotts 1982 sci-fi noir is set in Los Angeles in November 2019 this very month. And just like Back to the Future in 2015 the movies idea of the future is slightly off but arguably predicted a few things too. Sadly the screenwriters of the 80s hope for flying cars just like hover boards (no real hover boards) hasnt come true just yet. Neither has the desolate dystopian landscape of Los Angeles depicted in Blade Runner. While Los Angeles fights fires for real this week Blade Runners November 2019 concept of the City of Angels saw constant rain and smog covering the skies perhaps a prediction of the worlds worsening environment issues. The film also saw robots called replicants who are indistinguishable from humans living among us. We may not be there yet with AI but robotics continue to advance with facial and vocal reconstructions getting better and better making it harder to recognize the difference between the real deal and the created. The world of Blade Runner may be mobile phone free but it did predict technologys ever-increasing presence in our lives and mankinds reliance on it. Even without iPhones this dystopia saw Harrison Fords Deckard and co talking into devices just as we use Siri today. Just two years ago official sequel Blade Runner 2049 was released.
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